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The 2020
Annual Enrollment Period
October 15 Through December 31, 2019
If you’re already 65 and enrolled in Medicare you can switch to a health plan offered by the Insurance Trust for Delta Retirees during the Annual Enrollment Period. It’s best to enroll
by November 8th, 2019 to ensure your new ID card and plan documents arrive before January 1st, 2020. However, with the Insurance Trust, you can make your selection all the way up to December 31st. Just be aware, your new member ID will take a few weeks to arrive.
Already Have A Plan With Us?
If you’re already enrolled in a plan offered by the Insurance Trust, and you want to keep your current selection, then you don’t have to do anything. You will automatically be enrolled in the same plan for the 2020 plan year.
If you want to change your selection to
a different plan offered by the Insurance Trust, including our new Supplement-Type Enhanced Plan, with $0 deductible and
$0 out-of-pocket costs, you can do so up until December 31st, 2019; however, it’s best to make any changes by November 8th, 2019 to make certain your new ID card and materials arrive at your home
by the start of 2020.
Address, Phone, Or Email Changing?
If the address, phone number, or email address shown on the “2019 Summary of Current Elections” included with this booklet has changed, then be sure to provide your new information –online or by phone– by November 8th, 2019.
   Add Dental And Vision Coverage
During the Annual Enrollment Period, you can also add dental insurance or add vision coverage offered by the Insurance Trust.
Insurance Trust For Delta Retirees | 2020 Benefits & Resources Guide | 5

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